
Dear user (hereinafter referred to as "user" or "you"), welcome to Short Acts! Before logging in, accessing, or using the Short Acts products and services provided by this platform and its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "our"), please carefully read the "User Service Terms" (hereinafter referred to as "Terms"), especially those that may limit our liability or involve your significant rights. If you do not agree to our terms, you are not allowed to use this service. Your use and/or continued use of this service constitutes your acceptance of all terms of this service.

This clause includes the following terms and conditions, the agreements explicitly included in this clause, and all rules that we may publish in the future. All these rules are considered an integral part of this clause and have equal legal effect. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, your use of this service constitutes your agreement to be bound by these terms and constitutes a legally binding contract between you and us.

We reserve the right to periodically modify and/or revise these terms by issuing notices and/or other reasonable means. We encourage you to regularly review the revised terms, which you must comply with when using the service. By continuing to use our services, you accept the revised terms. Any disputes between you and Short Acts shall be governed by the latest terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the revised terms, you must stop using the service.



If you access the service through a third-party account recognized by us, you must ensure the reliability, authenticity, and availability of that account. If you are unable to log in to Short Acts due to third-party account issues (such as account suspension), please contact the company to which your account belongs. Your account will be our only reference for verifying your identity.

The account registration and binding methods may change according to user or product needs, and you agree to comply with local laws and regulations.

As Short Acts is a location-based mobile entertainment product, you can decide whether to authorize us to disclose and use your location information. If you grant us such permission, we will provide you with more personalized services based on your location. If you do not grant us such permissions, you can still use the basic functions and services we provide, but it may affect location-based related services.

When you log in or use Short Acts, we need to collect personal information that can identify you, so that we can contact you when necessary or provide you with a better user experience. You agree to provide true, detailed, and accurate personal information ("Personal Information") with your consent. Personal information may include but is not limited to personal information such as username, as well as other information you have registered/updated. You agree to promptly update any changes to your personal information. If the personal information you provide is inaccurate, false, or contains illegal/offensive information, we may reject your registration application and terminate your use of the service.


Service Information

You agree not to misuse the service. You guarantee that you will use the service under the constraints of laws and regulations and this clause, and will not engage in any harmful, illegal or infringing behavior. Otherwise, you will bear all consequences on your own. In addition, you shall also bear full responsibility for any losses caused to us or any third party due to the aforementioned violations.

You agree to comply with the applicable laws and regulations as well as local ethical and cultural customs in your jurisdiction during the use of this service. Otherwise, you will bear full responsibility for this. In addition, please use this service appropriately and responsibly. If your actions result in us violating laws and regulations or involving political or public events, we have the right to suspend or terminate this service.

Anyway, you agree not to:

·Using this service for any illegal activities;

·Using this service for any activities that are harmful or potentially harmful to minors;

·Using the Service in any way that may interfere, impair, affect or restrict the correct use of the Service by other users, or using the Service in any way that may damage, disable or overuse the Service or interfere with the normal operation of the Service;

·Use any robots, spiders, crawlers, crawling tools, or other automated means to access our services or collect data;


Ownership and Exercise of Rights

All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and any other proprietary rights related to Short Acts, belong to us or our licensors. Unless explicitly stated in these terms, we will not grant you any intellectual property licenses or other rights. You agree not to infringe upon our or our licensor's intellectual property rights. Any unauthorized use of our intellectual property rights violates this clause and may also violate applicable laws, including but not limited to copyright and trademark laws, as well as applicable communication regulations and laws.

All rights and intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, and patents) to this service and all content displayed on Short Acts (including but not limited to trademarks, logos, logos, applications, source code, programming interfaces, web pages, text, images, audio, videos, charts, and those obtained by you when using this service on our platform) belong to Short Acts or other rights holders. Unless otherwise agreed, you agree not to use, modify, copy, distribute, alter, disseminate or publish the above content without our written consent. Otherwise, you are responsible for compensating us or other rights holders for all losses caused as a result.


Privacy Policy

We are committed to respecting the privacy of our users and may collect, store, use, disclose, and protect your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. Detailed policies can be found in the Privacy Policy, and we encourage you to read them carefully.


General Terms and Conditions

Force Majeure: We do not assume any responsibility for any damage or loss caused by force majeure. For the purpose of this Agreement, force majeure includes force majeure, changes in laws and regulations or government orders, specific reasons caused by the characteristics of Internet services, such as faults attributable to domestic and/or overseas basic telecommunications operators, computer or Internet related technical defects, Internet coverage restrictions, computer viruses, hacker attacks and other circumstances that cannot be foreseen, avoided and overcome within the scope of laws and regulations.



We do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness, legality, and validity of the content or information you come into contact with during the use of the service. You acknowledge that you may come into contact with unpleasant content while using the service. You agree to make your own judgment on the content, and we will not be liable for any damages suffered by you due to reliance on such content. You agree to negotiate and resolve any disputes and/or losses that may arise between you and other users or between you and other rights holders due to the use of relevant content or works, and under no circumstances shall you be liable for Such disputes or losses.

Please pay attention to the surrounding environment during the use of the service to ensure your personal safety. You agree that under no circumstances shall we be liable for any personal injury or property damage caused to you or any third party during the use of the service.

Change, suspension, interruption or termination of services: We reserve the right to change, suspend, interrupt or terminate services for the following purposes: to execute our business decisions; Execute administrative/judicial orders; Protecting the security of services; Maintain the correct use of services and data security by other users; Responding to suspected infringement by others; Or based on our own judgment, we suspect that your behavior violates the terms of service or rules published from time to time, or violates laws and regulations. In such circumstances, we reserve the right to change, suspend, interrupt or terminate the services provided to you and immediately delete all of your content without any liability to you or any third party.


This clause is governed by the corresponding national laws of each country and does not take into account the principle of conflict of laws. If there is a conflict between this clause and the laws of various countries, the provisions of the national laws shall prevail. In this case, the relevant content should be modified or reinterpreted in accordance with legal provisions, and the validity of the remaining parts of this clause shall remain unchanged. Any disputes arising from or related to this clause shall be submitted to the International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("IETAC") for arbitration in accordance with its then effective rules. The arbitration language shall be English, and the arbitral tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators. The arbitration award is final and binding on both parties.

These terms shall come into effect from the date of publication and constitute the entire agreement between you and Short Acts.

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding our terms or services, please send an email to us:[email protected]